Acorn Veterinary Clinic

1340 E. Covell Blvd. #101
Davis, CA 95616



Referring Veterinarians


Referring Veterinarians: Thank you for referring your patient to us for rehabilitation evaluation and care. We greatly value your referrals and we appreciate your trust. If you would like to know more about how physical rehabilitation can help your patient, do not hesitate to contact us.

To refer a patient to us you may have your client call us directly at 530-753-9573, or you may call us with your client’s information and we will contact them to schedule the initial consultation.

We request that you have your patient’s pertinent medical records and diagnostics sent to us at our email: or fax 530-753-1080. Please feel free to include any important information we should know before the initial evaluation and any expectations you may have regarding the case.

We will typically email you our initial exam findings along with our treatment plan within a few days of the appointment. If you would also like a phone call update, please alert our staff when scheduling the appointment.